Cross of Christ Lutheran Church

1555 Hamilton Avenue
Waterbury, CT 06706

To welcome all into safe, sacred relationship, as the Spirit works through us to embody God’s love and grace in the world.
Pastor Samantha “Sam” Perret
April 22, 2023 @ 8:30 am – 1:00 pm
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
837 Charles St.
Paula Rosenbeck
(860) 485-5321

Naugatuck Valley Conference of the Women of the ELCA – SPRING GATHERING



Women will gather informally for registration and morning coffee and fellowship, hosted by the women of Grace, Naugatuck and Immanuel, Oxford. This is always a fun time to greet old friends and meet new ones! In-kind/love offerings** may be placed on the altar as you enter the main church doors and personal and church projects♥ can be displayed on the pews and the altar rail.

We will begin the day with devotions led by the women of Cross of Christ, Waterbury. Brief business will include a Roll Call of attendees, a word from the Synodical Board President, Marilyn Pearson and Board member, Jeanne Minasian, election of officers (we need to elect co-conveners, a recorder, and a financial secretary), and a word from our churches on special events.
We will hear from Pastor Abby Johnson (St. James, Southbury) about her recent trip to Guatemala and her work with Hope Academy. Pastor Abby will also speak about a mission trip opportunity to Guatemala in 2024.

**In-Kind/Love Offerings will benefit students at Hope Academy. Items being collected include
Children’s Multi-Vitamins and School Supplies (lined paper, pens & pencils, pencil sharpeners, Crayola® broad-tip markers, Crayola® crayons, scissors, Elmer’s glue sticks, spiral notebooks, construction paper, etc.). When possible, please place your items in a re-useable bag.
Women from the Naugatuck Valley are invited to display their personal & church projects♥ (quilts, afghans, prayer shawls, artwork of any sort, prose, poetry, photography, or anything else you make). It will be interesting to hear how these projects are used in your missions and ministries.

The luncheon, provided by St. Paul’s, Torrington, will include assorted quiches, tossed salad, and rolls. Desserts will be provided by St. James, Southbury.  Please invite women from your church, your family, and your friends to join you! This is an opportunity to gather as sisters in Christ and to engage in activities celebrating women and rejoicing in our ability to come together once again!
There will be a Quilt(s) Drawing that day as well (for those women wishing to participate), proceeds of which will directly benefit the students of Hope Academy, Antigua, Guatemala.