Happy Easter!
Our congregation has been busy! As you know, we have welcomed the Department of Disability Services of the Hispanic Coalition of Greater Waterbury into our building and they are settling in nicely in the “education wing.” A section of our building that was once empty, is being filled with new energy and opportunity. Most recently, we are opening up our sanctuary to our brothers and sisters in Christ from Eternal Life Ministries, so that they may have a worship space. There will be the sounds of worship and praise filling the sanctuary at a time when it would have been quiet.

I am delighted that as a congregation, we are discovering the joy of sharing space with those who can use it, filling both a need with these groups, as well as filling our building with life and vitality. Physics students will tell you there is a saying, “nature abhors a vacuum,” meaning that where there is an empty space, nature will seek to fill it – and nature is not always discerning about how that void is filled.

This saying is true spiritually, as well. As individuals, we purge ourselves of sin and selfishness, and the grace and forgiveness of Jesus enters in. We drown our old ways in the waters of baptism, and the Holy Spirit enters in and fills that space. As a congregation, we worked hard to create empty space so it could be filled with something good – good for us, good for the groups using it, and good for our community. We created a vacuum and it is being filled!

I am sure when the women discovered the emptiness of the tomb on that first Easter morning, that feeling echoed in their hearts. But what seemed empty to them, was full of something new: new life with the resurrected Jesus, new freedom from the sting of death, a new way to walk in the light of the risen Christ, a new call to share this good news – Christ is Risen!!! With hearts full of gratitude, with souls full of the Holy Spirit, let us go forth and share that fullness – where there is a vacuum, let us be the ones who seek to fill that space with something Holy and good.

Peace and blessings, Pastor Sam






Peace and blessings, Pastor Sam