Join us for Bible Study on Thursday mornings, 10:00 a.m. in the conference room.
This is not available on Zoom or YouTube.
Lenten Midweek Services: Midweek Lenten soup and bread will be on Thursdays at 6PM with the first one Thursday, March 13th here at Cross of Christ in the Community Room. We will alternate locations each week with Prospect Congregational Church. Please let Pastor Sam know if you are interested in making soup or bringing some bread. Zoom link will be posted if you wish to join for the conversation portion beginning at 6:20pm.
Narcotics Anonymous weekly Thursday meetings in the Community Room- 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Contact Mike Petino @ 203-592-2002 for any questions or additional information.
Rev. Dr. David Grafton, Professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace
Balquis Moussa (Tunisia), English teacher and Peacebuilding student
Abdullahi Jalloh (Sierra Leone), BS and MS in Telecommunications; MA student in International Peacebuilding. He is a Youth Leader in his country.
Rev. Grafton will share about fasting as a spiritual exercise and his experience of fasting during Lent. Balqis and Abdullahi will explain how & why they fast & what are the fasting differences between their two countries during the Muslim feast of Ramadan.
Click this link for worship services recorded to YouTube!
Service is live streamed on our YouTube channel every week and recordings can be accessed after worship if you can�t watch it live.� �Be sure to check the “Live” tab on the YouTube page for recorded videos.
Narcotics Anonymous weekly Monday meetings in the Community Room- 7:00pm � 9:00pm
Contact Mike Petino @ 203-592-2002 for any questions or additional information.
Join us for Bible Study on Thursday mornings, 10:00 a.m. in the conference room.
This is not available on Zoom or YouTube.
Narcotics Anonymous weekly Thursday meetings in the Community Room- 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Contact Mike Petino @ 203-592-2002 for any questions or additional information.