Narcotics Anonymous weekly Thursday meetings in the Community Room- 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Contact Mike Petino @ 203-592-2002 for any questions or additional information.
Narcotics Anonymous weekly Monday meetings in the Community Room- 7:00pm � 9:00pm
Contact Mike Petino @ 203-592-2002 for any questions or additional information.
Join us for Bible Study on Thursday mornings, 10:00 a.m. in the conference room.
This is not available on Zoom or YouTube.
Narcotics Anonymous weekly Thursday meetings in the Community Room- 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Contact Mike Petino @ 203-592-2002 for any questions or additional information.
Special Pet Blessing @ 2:o0 p.m., bring animals in carrier or on leash, or a photo of them.
Narcotics Anonymous weekly Monday meetings in the Community Room- 7:00pm � 9:00pm
Contact Mike Petino @ 203-592-2002 for any questions or additional information.
Join us for Bible Study on Thursday mornings, 10:00 a.m. in the conference room.
This is not available on Zoom or YouTube.
Narcotics Anonymous weekly Thursday meetings in the Community Room- 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Contact Mike Petino @ 203-592-2002 for any questions or additional information.
The Congregational Council is calling a special congregation meeting on Sunday, Oct. 23, immediately after 9:30 worship.
The purpose of this meeting is to consider whether the church should expend monies to totally re-pave the side parking lot and the front and back entry walkways.
Narcotics Anonymous weekly Monday meetings in the Community Room- 7:00pm � 9:00pm
Contact Mike Petino @ 203-592-2002 for any questions or additional information.